Kiriya Uniiku ten <Hirono Town>

Kiriya-ju- A popular menu that uses only fresh seafood from Sanriku and is only enjoyed here!

  • Hirono-town
  • Food
  • Seafood

Recommended Menu

Pick-up Menu
[Standard] Kiriya-ju(box)
Price for the pick-up menu
1,100 yen
Description of the pick-up menu
Egg-drop with sea urchin, abalone and seaweed is put on rice in a ju(box). It come with miso soup, pickles and garnish. Kiriya-ju(box), that you can enjoy the exquisite harmony of abalone and sea urchin, is the most popular menu.
Other menus
Tennen hoya ramen(natural sea squirt noodles) (1,000 yen), Iso ramen(Seafood noodles) (700 yen), etc.

Store Information

Phone number
Hirono Suisan kaikan(Hirono Fishereies Bldg.) Uniiku 3rd Floor, 22-133-11 Taneichi, Hirono-cho,Kinohe-gun, Iwate
Access using Public Transportation
10 minutes walk from JR Hachinohe Line Taneichi Station
Opening Hours
11:00-15:00 (Last order 14:30)
Number of car parking
40 cars (with large parking space)
Number of Seats
Approximately 30 seats
Group acceptance
Available (reservation required in advance)
Shop's Website

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