Sea Urchin Breeding Ditches <Hirono Town>

  • Hirono-town
  • Michinoku Shiokaze Trail
  • Sanriku Geopark
  • Tourist Attractions

Sea Urchin Breeding Ditches

The sea rock has been excavated in a comb shape, and seawater is constantly flowing into the ditches. The sea urchin's bait, kelp and wakame(seaweed), are abundant there. “Hirono sea urchin”, which grew up enogh after eating kelp and wakame, has a great reputation for being sweet and delicious!  Season is from June to August.



Sea Urchin Breeding Ditches <Hirono Town>

  • Hirono-cho Kanko-kyokai (Tourist Association)
  • address:23-27 Taneichi, Hirono-cho, Kunohe-gun, Iwate 028-7995
  • TEL:0194-65-5916
  • Related websites

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